Top Reasons Why You Should Shop Woolen Rugs?

Mahima Jaiswal
2 min readMar 7, 2021
Woollen Rug

Do you around 80% of people have woollen rugs at their home? Any idea, why? I will share you the reasons behind its usage to such a great extent. So let’s begin.

Wool, the fibre itself has some astounding benefit, and we all leverage it too in our lives. It’s a textile fibre, obtained from sheep and other animals. The name of these animal includes goats, muskoxen, bison, rabbit and more. Also, it consists of protein together with a small portion of lipids.

There are various names given to the wool obtained from different animals, and these are:

  1. cashmere and mohair from goats
  2. hide and fur clothing from bison
  3. qiviut from muskoxen
  4. angora from rabbits

But, mainly carpets are made up of sheep of New Zealand. Their furs are long and create better quality rugs.

Now, let’s dive into the top benefits of woollen rugs:

Benefits of Woollen Rugs

#1.Durable & Flexible

Wool is exceptionally durable, elastic, reliable, plus it contains excellent resilience. Among other carpet fibres, a Wool thread has a high degree of a natural crimp. It’s quite similar to a coil spring, which helps it withstand heavy pressure and footfall. Thus, wool carpets maintain a long-lasting good appearance.

#2. Naturally Flame Retardant

Generally, wools are flame retardant. Although it will catch fire, but not support a flame. This means it smoulders, and self extinguishes when the flame source gets removed. The moisture present in the wool makes it flame-retardant. And, also cigarettes and splats burns can cause minimal damage to a carpet.

#3.Water Repellent

Wool is a natural water-repellent; it’s because the surface of the wool fibres contains overlapping waxy scales, which is hydrophobic means water-resistant. In short, it makes woollen fibre shower-proof. The water droplets will bead & roll off the fibres and delays the observation time.

#4.Warm, Cosy, Cool & Comfy

Wool has excellent insulating properties. It keeps your room warm in winter and cools in summer. The unique chemical structure it has holds natural ability to control your home’s humidity. It absorbs air’s moisture when the atmosphere is damp and releases it in the dry atmosphere. Air absorption renders improved air quality plus makes your home environment more comfortable.

Concluding Thoughts

So, all these are the top reasons for shopping woollen rugs. Above, I have shared the benefits that you can avail yourself by having woollen rugs at your home.

If you still have any queries, let me know in the comment section or buy rugs online and contact us today.

Good Luck!



Mahima Jaiswal

I am a blogger and worked in many esteemed companies as a Content Writer. Exploring new and ancient things is my passion. Additionally, I am a poetess.